Hello Poseidons!
In this first article of our blog we want to give you a big welcome. We are sure that if you are here it is because you are a great lover of the sea like us, so we want to explain what has led us to create Poseidon Surf Academy.

My name is Tamer. A few years ago I was also conquered by surfing and the feeling of union between something as powerful as the ocean and oneself. Let me tell you that when the soul is filled with salt water, there is no turning back: it is your initiation… you are trapped… and I hope I can take you by the hand to accompany you and show you what I am talking about.
In my travels I realized how surfing was in each place and that Fuerteventura is undoubtedly the paradise of the waves. Whether it is your first time or if you want to improve your surfing, in the north of the island you will have perfect conditions almost every day: paradisiacal beaches, with good temperature all year round and, depending on the forecasts and levels, we can choose different spots where you can surf long and incredible waves. What more could you ask for? Well, I’m going to tell you…
We want to be your family at sea, the one that accompanies you from the first second, that thinks about your needs and adapts to you so that you have the best experience in this island and that you remain hooked to this sensation forever. Sounds good, doesn’t it?
For this we will look for the best times to be calm and safe in the water, avoiding the crowds of fixed schedules, with very small groups (or private lessons, if you prefer), where we can focus on you. We want to get to know you, tell us about your experiences and be your guides along the way. You will be accompanied at all times. Do not hesitate. We also have all the material that, of course, we will explain in detail. We also want you to share our love and respect for something as incredible as the ocean and the environments in which we move, so it won’t just be about grabbing a board and getting in the water.
Get ready because we want to share our knowledge with you, so that little by little you will be able to develop freely.
So don’t think twice, we can’t wait to see your smile when you catch your first wave. I assure you that you will never forget it and neither will we. Raise the trident and become a real surfer, but not before invoking the God of the Seas by shouting Alebulieeeee!!!

Welcome to our big little family!!!!
Don’t forget; you can’t go surfing without invoking Poseidon to make sure he brings you good waves.
Poseidon Surf Academy
We are waiting for you with open arms and well “ensalitraos” in this paradise that is Fuerteventura.